“Life is better being a mom.”

bad qualities, motherhood Jillian Davis bad qualities, motherhood Jillian Davis

Focus On the Good Qualities

Can I just say that I loathe that us humans are so quick to focus on each other's bad qualities rather than the good ones?  

"This girl never stops talking." 

 "That guy is too emotional."  

"This person works all the time and never spends time with their family." 

"That mom allows her kids to run wild."  

"That parent can't manage to keep their house clean."  

"This person texts me way too often."  

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generosity, marriage Jillian Davis generosity, marriage Jillian Davis

Learning To Be Generous To Your Spouse

It's the holidays. The time of year where everyone becomes more generous. With their time, their money, and their talents. Many challenges even exist to encourage people to be more generous, like paying for food or coffee for the person who is in front of you in line.  However, most people have this notion that generosity is limited to an outward action. Giving to those outside of your own home. Typically people you don't know.  

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perfectionism, be honest Jillian Davis perfectionism, be honest Jillian Davis

Dear Parents, Quit Trying To Achieve Perfection

While sitting in Starbucks the other day, I notice a family of four waiting for their coffee. I hear the mom angrily say to her son to tuck his pants into his boots because his pants are high waters and he's making her look bad. Then I had a rush of moments just like this run through my head. Moments where I've seen and heard parents force perfectionism onto their kids. Often for the sake of themselves.

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parenting, lies Jillian Davis parenting, lies Jillian Davis

The good lies

Growing up we were all taught that lying was wrong....okay, so maybe it actually is, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't stop us parents from doing it anyways.

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parenting, all girls Jillian Davis parenting, all girls Jillian Davis

Girl power

We live in a world where women are constantly having to prove their worth, their abilities, and their competence. Women are degraded by men, intentionally and unintentionally. I have four girls. I'm always worried about them and I tend to overthink how my husband and I should raise them.

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Christmas, parenting Jillian Davis Christmas, parenting Jillian Davis

Being a parent at Christmas blows

I'll admit it. Being a parent at Christmas blows. Christmas is a beautiful time of the year. All the decorations. All the caroling. All the cookies. All the family. All the presents. And you know....of course Jesus. Hallelujah! So why on earth is Christmas a nightmare with children?

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new home, community Jillian Davis new home, community Jillian Davis

A house is now a home

As most of you know now, my husband and I <strong><em>bought a house! Moving is all too familiar for us. And if you've moved, you know the agony it can bring. The changing of addresses for everything, packing all your belongings...hoping and praying nothing breaks on the way, living on only essentials for a period of time, figuring out leases or the buying and selling a home, finding people to load and unload the truck, anything else I'm missing??? This was our 8th move in 6 years of marriage! You could call us pros.

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parenting, tired Jillian Davis parenting, tired Jillian Davis

Hang in there tired mama

If you're a mama, you're tired....so tired. Sometimes you'll wonder how you're gonna make it through the day, and then you realize it's not even noon! Sometimes you'll be on your fifth coffee and you're still thinking you need tape to keep your eyes open.

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money gifts, parenting Jillian Davis money gifts, parenting Jillian Davis

What to do with money gifts

Growing up, all of our parents were the same with money gifts. If you got money for birthdays or Christmas from family members, it was put straight into your savings account. You were not to touch that until you turned 18. What's the problem with that? Saving is great!!!

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mom debates Jillian Davis mom debates Jillian Davis

Quit the mommy debates

The other day I saw a post on vaccinations. I'm not gonna say what side the article took or what side I took on the matter. What I will say is that it got messy. It got ugly. It got mean.

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