“Life is better being a mom.”

military wife, thank you Jillian Davis military wife, thank you Jillian Davis

The sacrifice of a military wife and mom

Being a stay at home mom is quite the job! Days are full of changing diapers or cleaning up after potty training "misses", breaking up fights, attempting to make healthy food and watch it get thrown on the floor, taking care of sick or emotionally needy kids, cleaning up the same toys more than you can count....the list goes on.

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parenting, vacation Jillian Davis parenting, vacation Jillian Davis

Parent vacation

Parenting is full of joy, but it is also a lot of work! Day after day it can wear on us moms and dads. And although our kids may see us as superhero's, we are only humans. Guess what?! Humans need breaks.

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summer activities Jillian Davis summer activities Jillian Davis

12 FREE summer family fun activities

It's officially summer and that means kids are on break from school! Woohoo! Now we ask the question, how do we keep them entertained all day? Kids are used to school schedules where they are constantly occupied. Now that they are out of school, they become restless and often repeat the phrase "I'm bored". That dreaded phrase!

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girl mom, all girls Jillian Davis girl mom, all girls Jillian Davis

The stereotype of being a girl mom

I'm sure many of you have seen the boy mom vs girl mom video recently swirling around Facebook. I honestly don't know where this came from. The idea of girls being well behaved vs boys who aren't. I am a mother of FOUR girls. I cannot attest to what it's like with boys, but I sure can say what it's like raising girls.

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parenting Jillian Davis parenting Jillian Davis

7 things I’ve learned in 7 Years of mommyhood

With my oldest daughter turning 7 this week, it has brought up a time of reflection. What did I do well? What could I have done better? What have I learned over the last 7 years of parenthood? I've learned everything from the great parts of parenthood to the not so great parts and everything in between.

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comparison, motherhood Jillian Davis comparison, motherhood Jillian Davis

The Comparison Game, the Thief of Joy

Have you ever caught yourself thinking about how someone else is better than you? Guilty! I know I'm not the only mama who feels insecure from time to time. We play the comparison game and guess what? We never win! Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we beat ourselves up so often? Why are we always comparing ourselves to other mamas?  How do those moms do it?  

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introverted extrovert, motherhood Jillian Davis introverted extrovert, motherhood Jillian Davis

8 Characteristics of an introverted extrovert mom

We all know the introverted moms. The moms that will quickly grab their kids from school and activities. They don't talk to other moms and try to not even make eye contact. Their struggle to interact with others is noticeable. Though they struggle, we don't take any offense, because we know they are just being who they are....introverted.  

Then there are the extroverted moms. We all know who they are too. They know all of us. They know our names, our kids names, and I swear they even know our birthdays. They make a point to say hi to everyone and make them feel loved. It's easy for them to interact and create conversations. Kid birthday parties and play dates are their jam because it's a place to find more friendships. For them, the more the merrier!  

Lastly, there are mamas like me, the introverted extroverts.

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