Finding Strength In Faith During Dark Days

Depression is so prevalent in the world we live in. Women have up to a 15% chance of experiencing depression at some point in their life, and postpartum depression happens in up to 20% of women. That means that I am not alone in my mental health hardships. Women sometimes even get diagnosed and take awhile before telling their loved ones, if they ever actually do tell them. The world needs to break the stigma of depression so we can all work our way to healing together.

Depression is something I’ve lived with for as long as I can remember, though post having kids it has definitely gotten trickier to manage. When we no longer live alone that means our dark days no longer affect just us, but our spouses and kids too. Our kids are dependent on us to care for them. This is precisely why I have to rely on my faith to keep me going everyday. Not just for myself, but more importanly for the sake of my children.

Life is hard, but it truly is better with Jesus! If you struggle like I do to stay afloat mentally, here are some ways to use your faith to help gain mental strength.

Faith, a Source of Strength

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28

Isn’t it beautiful that God calls us to come towards him so he can give us rest? This is not a physical form of rest, rather the kind we truly need and crave with depression, a soul rest. We must come towards him to receive that rest. That can mean being in prayer or worship and listening to God speak biblical truths over you. That you are His special creation (Psalm 139:14). He loves you unconditionally (Romans 5:8). You are chosen (1 Thessalonians 1:4).

My prayers often, when I am extremely overwhelmed with parenthood and being good enough for my children, are for God to simply just cover my imperfections with his grace. What my kids miraculously see after that prayer is my love for them despite my flaws. Their hearts are softened to the harsh tones I may project. It creates a peace within me that is beautiful, and it’s exactly what my burdened heart needs.

Navigating the Challenges

We were not meant to do life alone. We were created to do life in community with others. When I am in moments of despair and I am struggling to pray for myself, that is when I reach out to those few people in my life God has blessed me to be in friendships with. That is when they cover me in my weakness with prayer and words of encouragement.

If you have those people, make sure you reach out, even when it’s difficult to admit you’re having a hard time.

If you don’t have these people, find them. Go to bible studies, small groups, mom groups, anything where you can get to know other people who will love you well. If you push yourself to get out there and make friends, you will find them in time. When you do find your people, be honest about what you both need from each other. We were created to help one another, so be that for others and let others be that for you.

Moving Forward and Finding Healing

God created some amazing people with incredible talents so that we may help one another.

Depression first needs to be something that you talk about with your doctor, and get diagnosed with. Make sure you know what you’re dealing with before you deal with it, but make sure you aren’t the one diagnosing yourself.

Next you can begin with therapy, and that means finding a therapist you get along with. You may or may not like the first one you see, so if you don’t mesh with them, keep looking. It’s tough to put yourself out there, but finding someone you’re able to talk through things with makes depression a whole lot easier. Through therapy, you’ll figure out a lot of various coping mechanisms. Use them, and see which ones help you personally.

After therapy and coping skills, it is then up to you and your doctor to see if you need medication to help or not. As my husband told me before I got on medication, just like any other illness that needs medication, depression sometimes does too. It’s just help in rewiring the brain back to the way it was intended to function.

There is absolutely no shame in therapy or medication. Be proud of taking care of yourself!

Strength in Faith

I am ultimately grateful for who I am, imperfections and all, because they are beautiful! However, in our imperfections, let us seek help and become the best versions of ourselves. Not just for the sake of our own hearts, but for the sake of our children.

Seek professional help, but more importantly seek the help of the Lord. He sees you, loves you, and wants you to not only know that, but feel that too!




My Life With Depression; A Story of Redemption


Looking Our Best Makes Us Feel Our Best