Resting From Perfectionism

I had been on a bit of a hiatus from writing. For those who have been around for since I started my blog 7 years ago in 2018, you know this isn’t the first time. I have a few times taken a small break from writing due to mental health. My heart and soul sometimes go through seasons of not being able to keep up with all the extras, including writing.

Every time this happens, I convince myself I should stop writing altogether. Somehow my brain convinces me I’m not worthy to write.

Have you ever come to a place of not feeling like you are enough, no matter how much you do or how much you try? Like you do not matter to the people around you for one reason or another because you are not perfect by earthy standards? Have you ever looked around your home, seen the house in less than ideal cleanliness? When your child has a meltdown in public, have you ever felt like a less than the ideal mom?

It’s time to allow ourselves to take a breaks from being perfect, slow down and care for our aching hearts.

Being Human

As humans we are constantly trying to feel validated in everything we do. If we don’t get enough done and do it perfectly, we often believe that we no longer carry the same value as the people around us.

We must have a good job, with good pay, make sure we aren’t behind on bills, be the best spouse, best parent, best volunteer, and balance it all with grace. If we aren’t able to attain everything in the perfect balance, we feel like we are not as valuable as the person we believe is able to do all of those things.

That’s where we fail though. We believe that other people can be perfect, but we are so wrong. We are all human. We all fail. We can’t conquer everything. If we can figure out that we are just like everyone else, trying our best, I believe we will be stronger.


It’s okay to take a break from extras in our lives when we are overwhelmed. If you need to, take a step back and evaluate the importance of the things around you. If it’s something that isn’t life giving, or something that you just simply don’t have the time for, it’s okay to let it go for a bit.

Is there a place you volunteer, a group you attend, something you lead, something on your calendar that just feels like something you could do without for a little while?

As the new year begins, think through areas you can scale back if and when you’re able. It doesn’t mean it’s permanent. It doesn’t mean you’re less than for taking time for less. It takes strength to take a pause from time to time and focus on the people you love around you, including yourself.

Stepping Back In

Once you have taken that time to rest, time to do less, it’s okay to get back into all the things you love. When we are able to rest we become better versions of ourselves. Your kids will notice, your spouse will notice, and all the people you do things for will notice. They will notice a much lighter version of yourself. A happier version. A more joyful version.

Allow yourself to be human. Allow yourself to let go of the image of perfection, so you are able to be whole, healthy, and joyful. Learn that letting go for a season whether short or long is a form of strength. Love yourself well by taking a break from perfectionism.




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