“Life is better being a mom.”

mom friends Jillian Davis mom friends Jillian Davis

Finding and Maintaining Mom Friends

Can I just say that I love other mamas like you! Moms that can support each other in this journey of parenthood. Moms that can lift one another up when we've had a hard day. Moms that understand that texting back sometimes may take up to a week or longer. Moms that laugh together at the ridiculous and sometimes inappropriate things our kids say. Having other moms in your life is highly important, but there's always the question of how exactly do we find and maintain these friendships? Especially since parenthood is such a busy stage in life.

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generosity, marriage Jillian Davis generosity, marriage Jillian Davis

Learning To Be Generous To Your Spouse

It's the holidays. The time of year where everyone becomes more generous. With their time, their money, and their talents. Many challenges even exist to encourage people to be more generous, like paying for food or coffee for the person who is in front of you in line.  However, most people have this notion that generosity is limited to an outward action. Giving to those outside of your own home. Typically people you don't know.  

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