We Are All Broken, Just Broken Differently

Sometimes as humans we can feel all alone in our brokenness. The feeling of being broken can be isolating, dark, and feel really lonely. Mental health can amplify that feeling and be extremely difficult to make it through the day at times.

It is only when we recognize that we are all broken when we can find peace in the chaos that is in our minds.

Brokenness Looks Different

If we were to break the exact same glass vase multiple times, it would never be broken the exact same. That is the same with humanity. We all have things that are in our upbringing or circumstances that have caused us all to be broken. Those circumstances may look similar, but they are all just a little bit different.

Some people grew up without one or both biological parents. They may have been raised by different family members, family friends, or various families through foster care. Though the situations are similar, we will never fully understand how someone else’s upbringing looks like.

Some people like me, are burdened with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Though some of us have the same diagnosis, we have all been treated differently by different doctors and we have all reacted differently to these mental shortcomings.

There are those of us whose brokenness is difficult to hide, and there are those who hide them well. No matter what we all deal with, know you are not alone in your brokenness.

What Your Brain Tells you

I may not know what you deal with personally, but I do know that depression and anxiety can make you feel alone in your brokenness. It can make you feel like you are the only one who struggles in life, or that you will forever and always be alone in that brokenness.

Depression tells you that the darkness is yours to bear alone, because if you reach out to others for help, you are somehow burdening them. It tells you that nobody else will ever understand your pain because you are the only one in pain.

Anxiety tells you that nobody else could ever possibly understand the depths of your fears. Just like depression, anxiety tells you that your fears are yours alone and that you will never escape them. These fears are yours to bear alone forever.

Depression and anxiety tell you that if you talk to someone about how strong those negative feelings are, they will judge you and you will not be loved the same.

Let The Truth In

Truth is, we are all broken, whether you see it in someone or not. We all have something that affects us on some level. Humans are broken, and broken is beautiful in it's own unique way.

Brokenness is what can bring us together if we allow it. If we are able to be honest with ourselves and with others, we can help and encourage each other through love. We can see beauty in each others growth, and be proud of each other for working through tough situations.

Don’t ever let someone tell you that your brokenness is a problem. It’s okay not to be okay. You are unique, you are special, and you are loved, brokenness and all!

Don’t Stay In The Heaviness

As my husband likes to say “it’s okay not to be okay, but it’s not okay to stay there.” Humble yourself and reach out to get help. Talk to a therapist or get medication if you need that.

When I first went to a therapist. I genuinely thought she was going to judge me, tell me I was stupid for coming in or that therapy wouldn’t help me. It was the exact opposite. She was so kind and let me go at my own pace. It was okay if I had a moment I needed to be silent and it was okay if I had a moment where I needed to rant and wouldn't stop talking for the whole hour session. Therapy is whatever you want it to be. After all, they are getting paid to be what you need them to be in that moment, and they love doing it!

This world has come far in the sense that choosing to get on medication for mental health problems isn’t frowned upon. Though not everybody needs it, some of us do. Brains are not all wired the same and sometimes our brains need a little help from medication to help rewire it back to it’s intended to function.

Let Love In

It’s okay to let others see your mess and love you through it. There’s beauty in letting others into your world, imperfection and all. We were meant to live in community with one another and lean on each other when we are struggling. That is what friends and family are for. We are there to listen and to love. So don’t forget to let love in when you need it.




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