Embracing Change; 6 Week Start to a Better You

Today I’m wearing a dress I love so much! A dress I stopped wearing for almost a year. I stopped wearing it solely because of a stranger’s comment the last time I wore it. She asked me how far along I was. I was confused “what do you mean how far along?” She replied “How far along in your pregnancy?” My heart sank into the pit of my stomach, and I cried the whole way home. All I could see was how big my belly had gotten.

That comment could have been the thing that helped me change for the better, but it didn't, it made me wanna lean into even more of an unhealthy lifestyle. If other people are going to think I am overweight, I might as well lean into it.

Don’t get me wrong, being healthy is a great thing, but that does not equate to a certain number on the scale or a particular size on our jeans. Rather it’s how we feel and the energy we obtain from being healthy. Most importantly, our value does not come from our weight, but our identity in the Lord!

We Need Support

I started noticing I was sitting on the sidelines more often watching my kids play, rather than joining in like I used to. Finding help from 1st Phorm, I slowly realized I could do better. I want to be the healthiest version of myself not just for me, but also my husband and my kids. After a few months of getting familiar with 1st Phorm and all the avenues they have that can help, I ended up challenging myself to a 6 week kickstart of a healthier lifestyle.

They have everything from one on one coaches, an app to help keep track of your diet and exercise, foods that taste good and are full of healthy proteins, greens, reds, and vitamins to keep your diet in tip top shape. They also have the most amazing workout gear to look and feel your best while you get in shape or stay in shape.

Where To Start

I am the type of person that doesn’t do well with a complete shock to my system. I cannot quit drinking my sugary coffee altogether, but I can have just one or two a day instead of 5 or more, with less sugar in each cup. I may not be able to cut out all of my favorite unhealthy foods, but I can say “yes” less often, and when I do say “yes”, it’s “yes to less”.

I may not be the person that loves to run marathons, but I can be more conscious of my movement and be more active more frequently. I can park far away from work or other places and take a good long walk. I can play with my kids rather than just sitting and watching them play alone. We can also choose to go for more family walks or bike rides either around the neighborhood or to and from the park. Those changes I can do.

Food and Vitamin Swaps

I love eating carbs. Bread could and has been a full meal for me int the past. Now I make the decision to make sure my plate looks well rounded. I can order the fruit and veggie sides when I go out to eat rather than choosing the fries.

If I’m not in the mood for fruits and vegetables, or I just wanna add a little extra, I’ll add 1st Phorm’s opti-reds and opti-greens. You can add them straight to water, but I prefer adding them to my smoothies or just sprinkled into my food.

Adding these to your diet helps aid your immune system, which is much needed with kids. They are packed with 50 fruits, veggies, grasses, and vitamins. I know that if I don’t get all the things I need everyday, 1st Phorm has my back.

I used to purchase Walmart brand vitamin gummies for me and my girls. Now that i’ve used 1st Phorm’s Complete Nutrient Packs, I notice a difference. I understand the why behind the higher price tag, and it is worth the splurge.

Workout Swaps

It is tough getting back into a habit of working out. Personally I have never loved it, but I’m pretty sure only weird people like my husband love it. It’s just something I have to do. If I can get in more exercise than I did before, it’s a step in the right direction.

If I don’t feel good about myself, I won’t workout. I need great clothing. Leggings and bike shorts are my favorite, and the ones from 1st Phorm are incredibly comfortable. These are much nicer than anything else I have ever tried, and I have tried a lot. I’m sure my husband isn’t thrilled with how much money I have spent trying to find the best kinds of leggings, so I’m sure he’s glad I’m done looking.

The material isn’t see through, animal fur and lint won’t stick to it, they wash really well, and the best part is they are so flattering! Now it’s honestly a bit easier to get a workout in more often.

Focus on the Positives

It’s easy to focus on a bad day; a day you gave into too much junk food or didn’t get much of any physical activity. It is easy beat yourself up and let that ruin your progress, but don’t let it.

Focus on the times you chose healthier options. Focus on the times you got out of the house to move around when you didn’t really feel like it. Focus on moving forward and continuing to take steps forward towards health.

That positivity is what got me this point of confidently wearing my dress again! I know I not only look great but I feel great, and we all deserve to feel great about ourselves. We deserve to see and love ourselves the way God does, which is perfect and wonderfully made.

I may not be where I fully wanna be yet, but I am a lot closer than I was 6 weeks ago. If this chaotic mom of five can do it, I know you can too!




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Minor Changes, Maximum Benefit