Why Imperfection is Needed for Long Term Health

Last time I talked with you all about my health journey, I was doing great. I had a great rhythm going and I was getting to a really great place with my health. However, it hasn’t stayed that way. The last month or two have been full of chaos from parenting woes, working a lot, and adding a few extra things to my plate. It’s been a lot. Not only a busy schedule, but I haven’t been in the best place mentally. I have been needed in a lot of areas and the time that I do have my brain just isn’t in it.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t went fully back to where I was before, but I just haven’t been doing as well as I would like in order to hit my goals that I did before.

If you’re anything like me, you know that life can be chaotic. It’s full of work at the office or work at home being a seriously amazing mom to littles. It’s full of giant to do lists and making time for friends or spouses.

Something that I’m learning though is that even when we aren’t perfect with the way we workout or eat all day everyday, we don’t have to give in to an unhealthy lifestyle. We can still be amazing in our imperfections! We just may need to learn to embrace them so that we can maintain sustainable results.

The Myth of Perfection in Health

Media can be brutal. The perfection that people present online is not normal, and I hope we can all remember that when we see someone that makes us feel less than. The perfect body doesn’t exist, but when we have this idea that it somehow does, we are in for a world of pain each and everyday if we are aiming for that as our standard.

We need to ask ourselves if certain things are helpful or if they are harmful to us, and we must learn to let go if it’s harmful.

Progress, Not Perfection

Pictures are a great way to remember how far you’ve come, a particular pair of jeans or dress. If you haven’t read my last blog on health, go do that now. I talk about the journey this particular dress of mine has taken me on. It’s the dress I try on every now and again to remind myself how far I’ve come. It still looks pretty freaking great on me, and that’s how I know I haven’t fully let myself get back to where I was before.

Health is not a destination, but a journey. It’s okay to make mistakes, give into too much cake, or skip exercise for awhile, as long as we get back to being healthy when we are able.

Build a Supportive Community

1st Phorm has been one of the best thing that has happened to me. Having people who genuinely have my back is the most encouraging part of being healthy. If I don’t have people to support me, I might just give up altogether.

They have so much encouragement on their app, and a team full of people who are some of the sweetest people I have met. Sometimes when I’m feeling down about myself, they know exactly what to say to get me off my butt and continuing to work towards my goals.

1st Phorm isn’t run like a normal business, and that’s why I love them so much. That’s why I have chosen to stick with them rather than leave. In my opinion, I prefer a company who runs more like a family, because I know they genuinely care about my health and helping me in whatever way they can.

Have Fall Back Meals

By this I mean meals that are so easy, you can fall back on that are easy, you know you love, and you know are healthy. These meals can help us get back on track when we have totally veered off course.

My fall back breakfast meal is whole grain bread, one egg, and a couple slices of avocado. It’s simple and has a lot of what my body needs everyday.

For lunch my fall back is the 1st Phorm’s protein bars and a piece of fruit. I am often in between clients or running out for the day for errands, and it’s something I can just throw in my bag and eat whenever I am busy. Also, it’s so good!

For dinner my fall back is a small piece of chicken topped with fresh squeezed lemon juice, a little salt and pepper, and a couple handfuls of mini peppers all baked together. It’s simple and delicious!

Getting Back On Track

It doest have to be that difficult to get back on track. To be honest, it’s easier to get there once you’ve been there already. Your body adapts much quicker than before.

Make the choice to grab something healthier just one meal and work your way to two, then all three. If you believe in yourself, you are capable of anything. If you can’t believe in yourself, then lean on others. Friends, family, or your fitness family can be extremely helpful to encourage you when you are unable to encourage yourself.

Don’t forget to give yourself grace when you aren’t perfect. Nobody is. You deserve to be nice to yourself.




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