“Life is better being a mom.”

sisters, frienship Jillian Davis sisters, frienship Jillian Davis

Sister best friends

If you're a parent, I'm sure you feel the same as me. Our heart desires for our kids to become the best of friends! We want them to go to each other when they need encouragement, want to have fun, need advice, but most importantly....when they need love.

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compassion, kids, compassion international Jillian Davis compassion, kids, compassion international Jillian Davis

Be the change

Have you ever thought about children other than your own? Children who have less than yours? Typically our lives are so chaotic as parents doing things for our children that we don’t feel we have extra time to think about children other than our own. I get it, we are constantly pouring out all of our energy and love for our own.... as we should!

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