Kids interview

Sometimes as moms, we question just how good we are doing with our kids. I'm not sure what makes me question myself the most, the swift kick to the face by my toddler, or the eye roll of my 7 year old. Who knows? But I thought to myself, what's a better way to truly know than to ask our own kids???  

Below are my oldest daughters answers, but let me tell you, my 2 year olds answers were also pretty informative and entertaining. Hopefully this will help us become better mamas in the future. But, no matter what, just have fun listening to your own kids ridiculous answers and possibly cry laughing.

Kids interview:

What's your name? Rhyen

How old are you? 7

What is a funny memory we share? When you jumped because a puppy scared you (to be fair, that puppy came out of nowhere!)

Are there any bad memories we share? No way.

What emotion do I make you feel most? Happy and loved....and safe.

What emotion do I make you feel the least? Mad and sad

What do you love most about me? Mommy daughter dates because they make me feel special.

What is something I need a little work on? Getting upset at me at the doctor or dentist when I’m I don’t do what I need to, because I’m just a little scared.

What is your favorite thing about me? you get me cool toys and books that you know I'll love

What is your least favorite thing about me? You don't let me do the dishes enough (hahaha....I'm dead! Who is this kid?!)

What lesson have I taught you that you remember most? To always put other people first.

How do you see me? Happy, nice and so silly!

How do I see you? Nice and caring. You're always proud when I'm nice to others at school.

Jillian Davis

Wife . Mom of 4 . Blogger . Hairstylist . Christian

Be the change

