The Highs and Lows of Parenthood

If you are one of my avid readers, first of all, thank you! I love writing, but it is more joyful for my heart to know when other people get something out of this too! Second, if you are a regular here, you’ll know I have been on a hiatus from writing this summer. As all moms know, parenting is a lot of work and things do come up, but this summer our family had some of the craziest highs and lows.

With all of those lows in mind, working through them together can be one of the hardest tasks in parenthood. Luckily the opposite is also true, that celebrating through the good can be one of the most amazing and rewarding tasks. These are exactly what we have had to navigate this summer, and without a doubt, I know you two have also dealt with some of those highs and lows within your own family.

How It Began

Our summer began exactly like most of yours, full of excitement and a list of fun things to do as a family all summer long. A checklist, or summer bucket list, full of memories to be made and laughs to be had together.

Then shortly into summer break, our youngest went downhill fast with her health. The first out of several hospital visits was for nine long and fearful days. It was days of doctors and nurses knowing what the infection was, but not knowing how it got there or how to fix it. What a terrifying situation to be in as a parent. It was a UTI that led to a kidney infection and then led to an infection in the bloodstream. If you have ever dealt with a hospital stay for one of your kiddos, my heart truly goes out to you!

After nine whole days in the hospital, many tears shed, and fears of never leaving, we were lucky enough to have left the hospital with the infection gone, a new temporary stint to help drain her kidney properly, and a plan for treatment moving forward.

The Calm In The Storm

In the middle of all the health issues, we adopted our sweet yet spicy pre teen daughter, Brianna! Now, I’m not sure what it’s like to adopt or even foster a young child, but I do know what it is like with an older pre teen. It full of chaos, emotions, eye rolls, long chats, boy talk and a heck of a lot of love!

When we all realized we couldn’t live without her, we knew she meant to be ours to love forever! Adoption day was full of giggles, happy tears, stories, and lots of smiles. It was the sweetest of days for our family, and the celebration was big!

If foster care or adoption has ever been a part of your own personal story, let me tell you from a parents perspective that you are seen for who you are, loved for who you are, and chosen for who you are!

Hit Again

It wasn't long after we reached that peak of happiness that Covid hit our household. Most of my girls were not too bad and only for less than a day. However, with Carsyn’s underlying kidney issues, Covid really messed with her.

Her surgical team advised us to go back in the hospital to verify there was nothing else. Luckily there were no other issues, just a really bad case of covid, that took quite some time to run its course.

The New Norm

Not even one whole week post Covid, Carsyn began spiking high fevers yet again up to 107.6. Unfortunately, that landed her back in the hospital, this time with the doctors confirming she had yet another bad UTI that ended up in her kidney again.

With doctors wanting to be overly cautious with her permanent kidney surgery just around the corner, they laid out ground rules for staying healthy and extra antibiotics. It was a minor inconvenience we were all gladly willing to take to keep her safe and heathy.

Surgery Day

We eventually made it to surgery day with no more covid and no current infections. The nerves for this anxiety ridden mom were high and tears were pretty much on repeat for hours until she got out of surgery. The surgeon came out and delivered the best news we could have imagined, surgery went as well as it possibly could have!

We were on track for leaving only one day post surgery, but there was an issue that arose as the hours passed. There was a high concentration of blood in the urine and incredible pain even with intense pain medications. Though issues arose and we had to stay an extra night, we were lucky enough to go home the following day. Praise Jesus!

That’s What Family Is For

We all go through tough things in life. Some of us have issues with our own physical health or the health of a loved one. Others deal with the difficulties of their own mental health problems or someone else’s, the aftermath of a tough upbringing, a strenuous job or a lack of one. Unfortunately, none of us are exempt from some type of pain in this world.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

Mourn with your family, lean on each other when times get tough, and allow them to pick you up when life knocks you down. When all else fails, lean into God to keep from breaking. No matter what type of fire we walk through, he stands with us through it.

But when life gives us good and joyful moments, let us celebrate together! Whether you are family through blood, love, or Jesus, let us rejoice with those who rejoice!




Focus on their Hearts and the Rest Will Follow


Preparing For Summer Break